Selected texts written by Katya Bogachevskaia

Katya Bogachevskaya is editor in chief of Photojournal of Republic Media. Mainly she works as an editor but also she writes for Republic texts about photography, post-memory and war in Ukraine.

ZOV KOVZONA. Russian tanks, Ukrainian military and surviving civilians in the Kharkiv region Text about photographies of Ukrainian artist Vladislav Krasnoshchek, made in Kharkiv region  

Cows smell death. The story of a forgotten genocide in post-war communist Poland Text about the project of Polish photographer Michal Djuk 

Don’t torment us, we don’t have long left.” Complete passportization of post-Soviet Ukraine and the life of Lugansk in the mid-90s Text about the project “Passport” of the Ukrainian photographer Alexander Chekmenev 

I’ve always wanted to film war, but I never thought it would come to my city. Post-apocalyptic Kharkov in the photographs of Vladislav Krasnoshchek  

My task is to preserve the memory of people. Residents of Kyiv and Kyiv region through the eyes of Ukrainian photographer Alexander Chekmenev 

Military diary of an artist from Kharkov. Life in the basement during the bombing and evacuation from Ukraine 

Little picket” of the big city. How can you safely protest against the war? 

Journey along the Road of Bones. The dark past of Kolyma and its modern life  Text about the project about Kolyma of the photographer Emile Duke 

“Camouflage makeup”. The image of a woman, which is formed by Russian propaganda

The siege of Mariupol, protests in Iran, Afghanistan under the Taliban and the global climate crisis. About the results of the most famous photojournalism contest world Press Photo 2023