Alena Zhandarova

Puree with a taste of Triangles

Alena Zhandarova’s projects are created at the intersection of the imaginary and the real, in the interaction of the inner and the outer, the magical and the mundane. We are accustomed to draw clear and understandable boundaries between different “worlds”, separating one from the other. But what happens if we try to shift the boundaries of our usual perception? And to create a single space of dialogue in which the image, space, objects and even people will become a single whole. In which it is not immediately clear where one “world” begins and another ends, and everything exists in continuous interaction and even merging with each other. This experience will give us the opportunity to look at the world around us and ourselves in a new way. It will make you feel reborn, in which everything arouses interest and curiosity, and the world feels like an endless treasure box. 

Curator: Katya Bogachevskaya 

Fotografika Gallery/ St Petersburg, Russia

Alena Zhandarova is a photographer and artist from Ivanovo. Her work is in private collections and museums and has been exhibited at major international photography festivals such as: Cortona on the Move Photofestival (Cortona, Italy), FOCUS PhotoFestival (Mumbai, India), Kolga Tbilisi PhotoFestival (Tbilisi, Georgia), Encontros da Imagem Photo Festival (Braga, Portugal) Backlight Photo Festival (Tampere, Finland), Copenhagen PhotoFestival (Denmark), as well as in private galleries and contemporary art centers such as: Aarhus Center for Contemporary Art (Aarhus, Denmark), Meyrin Cultural Center (Geneva, Switzerland), Kyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (Kyosato, Japan), European Center of Arts (Dresden, Germany), Lumiere Brothers Gallery (Moscow, Russia), Getty ImagesGallery (England) and others. She studied at the European Institute of Design (IED Madrid, Master of Fine Art Photography).

Video tour

Virtual tour at the exhibition
